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Zhuhai Outsourcing 2012


Zhuhai will carry 2012 service outsourcing demonstration enterprises.

Letter from Zhuhai Branch Trade and Industry Bureau, Zhuhai , Zhuhai upcoming 2012 service outsourcing demonstration enterprise reporting, work to identify , report time 2013 January 20 to February 28 . The move aims to accelerate Zhuhai accelerate the development of service outsourcing industry , adjust and optimize the industrial structure Zhuhai , a finding of service outsourcing demonstration enterprises, demonstrations were given $ 30,000 reward . Meanwhile, in 2012 the outsourcing business income of 100 million yuan of business model , but also get up to 20 million in performance incentives.

Reporting conditions : enterprises must meet five conditions

It is understood that " outsourcing " means the service outsourcing enterprises to provide information technology outsourcing (ITO), business process outsourcing (BPO) and knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) services outsourcing industry .

The reporting units are subject to five basic conditions , namely one in Zhuhai City, business registration, tax registration , an independent legal entity , engaged in information technology outsourcing (ITO), business process outsourcing (BPO), knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) services enterprise ; 2 , the Ministry of Commerce outsourcing management and statistical systems registration , and truthfully fill in the report , " outsourcing statistics system" prescribed ; 3 , in import and export business management, financial management, tax management, foreign exchange management, customs management and so there was no misconduct ; 4 , has engaged in the corresponding technical equipment required for operations and business premises ; 5, the service outsourcing enterprises annual revenue of not less than one million yuan ( industrial design firms annual income of not less than 500,000 yuan ) and account for more than 30% of total income .

Award amount : Up to 230,000 yuan reward

Reporters learned that the city government will allocate a certain amount of special funds each year to support the development of service outsourcing industry in Zhuhai , promote service outsourcing enterprises bigger and stronger . Identified as service outsourcing model for business year 2012 , the award given to 30,000 yuan , while the demonstration , if the outsourcing business model enterprise 2012 revenue reached 100 million yuan, it is on this basis , each additional $ 500,000 will be given to 10,000 dollar reward performance , and so the results of the total reward of up to $ 200,000.

Learned that the 2013 reporting period 20 January to 28 February . With immediate effect , the relevant business letter can be found at City Branch Trade and Industry Bureau website for details and to download the form , submit the application materials within the date on the letter Municipal Trade and Industry Bureau .

Meet the following conditions can be directly identified

In addition to five conditions, one of the following conditions are satisfied if the enterprise can be directly identified as the outsourcing business model. Ministry of Commerce of the Year " ; namely ranked by the " Fortune " Global 500 listed companies , or global service outsourcing industry before the 100 service outsourcing enterprises to invest in , and its equity ratio above 25 percent in service outsourcing business ten outsourcing leader "of the enterprise ; Ministry of Commerce 's annual " Top 100 Chinese service outsourcing growth enterprise "